CommonLit 360 Curriculum
- How can I integrate Google Classroom with CommonLit 360?
- What can I edit in a digital CommonLit 360 lesson?
- What lessons can I assign directly on
- Where are the Guided Reading Mode questions in 360 lessons?
- How do students annotate? Can students highlight and add notes or annotations to an assignment? (Draft)
- My school does not use Google. How can teachers and students access the CommonLit 360 Google materials?
- What external research has been conducted showing the effectiveness of CommonLit?
- How was the CommonLit 360 curriculum developed?
- Where can I view data from CommonLit 360 Reading Lessons, Writing Lessons, and Vocabulary Quizzes?
- How are CommonLit 360 texts selected?
- Where can I find the standards that a unit covers?
- Has the CommonLit 360 curriculum been externally evaluated?
- How can I leave feedback on my students' annotations on CommonLit 360 lessons?
- Can students complete the end of unit essay for CommonLit 360 units on
- Can I skip a particular CommonLit 360 lesson? What happens if I skip a lesson in a unit?
- Is there a unit final assessment for CommonLit 360 units?
- How are CommonLit 360 materials licensed?
- Can I teach a different grade’s CommonLit 360 unit to my students?
- How is CommonLit 360 vertically aligned?
- What kind of professional development is offered with CommonLit 360?