CommonLit's Text Features
- What are the differences between a "guiding question," an "assessment question," and a "discussion question"?
- Can I change the Lexile level of a text?
- Can I print CommonLit texts and questions?
- What tools and supports does CommonLit provide for English Language Learners?
- How can I use paired texts in my classroom?
- How do students annotate? Can students highlight and add notes or annotations to an assignment?
- What accessibility tools and supports does CommonLit provide for struggling readers and students with IEPs?
- Can teachers and students translate text into another language?
- Do you have exemplars for each short-answer question that I could share with my students?
- How can I use CommonLit texts in my instruction?
- How can I use the discussion questions in my lesson?
- Which types of questions can students answer for Library Lessons assigned digitally on the CommonLit platform?
- Can I try out annotations? How can I model annotations for my students?
- How can I use related media in my classroom?
- Does CommonLit work on iPads?