How can I use related media in my classroom?

CommonLit's Related Media is great for:

  • Engaging students
  • Reading across media
  • Providing background information on a topic or idea
  • Extending student analysis of an idea or topic
  • Practicing for high-stakes assessments

A great way to help students make connections between the text and the video is to use the pairing questions and prompts that are suggested in the blurbs for our Related Media. As students read the text and watch or listen to the Related Media, consider having them take notes on the significant details that relate to the pairing questions. Then, have them respond to a pairing prompt or question in writing. This will give students a great start on the brainstorming for an extended essay or even a class discussion.

You will find the Related Media tab at the top of the text assignment page:

Click on the Related Media tab to view the available media for that text: