How do I update an assignment to edit its due date?

You can edit an assignment due date from your Assignments page or from the assignment's Dashboard page.

  1. Click on My Classes > Assignments.
  2. Find your assignment and either:
    • Click the pencil icon in the top-right corner, or
    • Click on the Dashboard button and then click the pencil icon in the top-right corner to edit the due date.

Note: If you are on a mobile device, click the three stacked dots in the corner of the assignment and click Edit Due Date.

You can edit Guided Reading Mode (GRM) settings after creating an assignment. Open the Edit Assignment settings on your existing assignment by clicking the pencil icon (Edit Assignment on mobile) for the assignment on the Assignments page (or the assignment's Dashboard page). 

From there, if the assignment has GRM questions, you will see an Enable Guided Reading Mode? question followed by a Yes/No toggle. To enable Guided Reading Mode, set the toggle to Yes and choose whether to assign to all or to specific students. To disable Guided Reading Mode, set the toggle to No. Click Save and instruct students who are currently viewing the assignment to refresh the page in order to see guiding questions appear or disappear, respectively. 

Students can still submit assignments after the due date has passed, but they will be marked as late.