How can I export assignment scores to my gradebook?

If you are using an online grade book or LMS that is not yet integrated with CommonLit, you can download CommonLit scores as CSV files as a workaround. Here are two ways to download scores for your external grade book.

Option 1: Assignment Download to CSV Feature

To upload CommonLit assignment scores to your external grade book, you will need to use the Download CSV feature. To do this, go to your Assignments page and select an assignment. From your Assignment Dashboard, click on Assignment Report at the top. Then, scroll down to the Assessment Results table and click Download to CSV.

This will generate a CSV file for the assignment sorted by students' last name. The file will include all of the color-coded assessment data found on the Assignment Report. You can edit the CSV file as needed before uploading it to your external grade book or LMS.

Note: If you assigned a 360 Reading Lesson, 360 Writing Lesson, or a Target Lesson, this process will be slightly different. For these lesson types, you can download a similar spreadsheet by clicking the Download Report button at the top of the Assignment Report page.

Option 2: Student Performance Download to CSV Feature

Alternatively, you can download multiple grades for your students across multiple assignments from the Overall Performance page. To do so, go to My Classes > Overall Performance and click on the name of the class whose assignment data you wish to view. This will take you to the Class Performance page. From there, scroll to the Performance by Assignment chart and click the Download to CSV button. 

After downloading those scores, you can edit the CSV file if needed to upload any data to your LMS or external grade book.

Google Classroom

If you are using Google Classroom, please be sure to check out this article: Can I export or share scores from CommonLit on Google Classroom? for more information on exporting scores to your Google Classroom grade book.


Please note: CommonLit's Canvas integration is only available for schools and districts who purchase a School Essentials PRO or School Essentials PRO Plus package.

If you are using Canvas, please be sure to check out this article: How do I pass or send scores to my Canvas gradebook? for more information on exporting scores to Canvas. 

Interested in integrating CommonLit with ClassLink, Clever, or Canvas at your school? Check out School Essentials PRO to save time and get set up quickly. Learn more about CommonLit's integrations here.