How can I transfer or move students between classes? Can I transfer or move a student to a new class without losing their data?

The process for transferring students between classes depends on how classes are rostered on your CommonLit account. Whenever a student is transferred between classes on CommonLit, a copy of their assignment data will be saved under their original class. Assignments will not move with students between classes, even if the same assignment exists in the new class. 

Instructions for locating student data for a student who has been moved between classes can be found in this article: Can I view individual student progress or performance reports?

Manually Created Class

Teachers can move students between two of their classes from the Manage Students page.

There are two ways to get there:

Go to My Classes > Manage Classes and click the class name, OR

Click the Options dropdown and Manage Students.

Then, find the Class column, click the dropdown arrow for a student, then select the name of the correct class to move them into that class.

Note: You will receive a warning that assignments will not move with students between classes, even if the same assignment exists in the new class. If you would still like to proceed with moving the student, click Yes to confirm the switch.

Clever Classes

If a student who was imported with Clever switches classes, you can wait for CommonLit to automatically update the Clever section upon the next sync.

ClassLink Classes

If a student who was imported with ClassLink switches classes, you can wait for CommonLit to automatically update the ClassLink section upon the next sync.

Google Classroom Classes

If a student who was imported with Google Classroom switches classes, you can click the sync button for the new GC class on the Manage Classes page to add the student to that class and connect them with Google Classroom. You will need to manually remove them from their old class's Manage Students page.

Canvas Classes

If a student who was imported with Canvas switches classes, you can click the sync button for the new Canvas class on the Manage Classes page to add the student to that class and connect them with Canvas. To remove the student from their old Canvas class, click the sync button on the former Canvas class. 

Please note: Any time a student is removed from a class, you will still be able to view the assignment data from their former class on the student's Individual Student Performance page.