Do you offer the Assessment Series in Spanish for English-learner students? Can I translate the Assessment Series into students’ home languages?

The Assessment Series tests are designed to measure students’ performance on English-language, end-of-grade-level expectations in reading.

We do not offer a Spanish version of the Assessment Series and do not allow translating the assessments into other languages. Altering the content of an Assessment Series test in any way, including by translating the test’s passages and/or questions, invalidates all data resulting from that test.

In order to support your EL students, we recommend making sure all students are familiar with the CommonLit platform, computerized assessments, and terminology and expectations for standardized tests generally. Additionally, if possible, translating the directions on the test (not the actual questions) into the student’s home language may be helpful.

We also encourage you to refer questions to your building’s and/or district’s leadership to understand your school’s testing policies as well as your state’s laws around accommodations for English learners.

We understand that taking a grade-level, English-language assessment may be particularly challenging for students who are still gaining proficiency in English. It is important to note that Assessment Series data should always be considered alongside other information about students’ strengths and needs, including teachers’ observations, formative assessments, and other summative assessments.