How can a student with an existing account add another class code to join my class?

Students can reuse their account from year to year, and they can be enrolled in multiple classes without having to create more than one account.

A student who already has a CommonLit account can join another manually created class using a class code from their My Account and Classes page using the following steps:

  1. Log in to CommonLit
  2. Click the My Account and Classes tab under the menu on the left
  3. Click Add another class code below their list of classes
  4. Enter the class code for the new class
  5. Click the teal Add button to join the class

If a student has just signed up, they can go directly to their My Account and Classes page to add additional class codes.

If the student has an account from a previous year linked to their email and cannot sign up for a new account this year because of the pre-existing account, instruct them to try to log in to the existing account. If they do not remember their CommonLit password, most students can use the Log in with Google or Log in with Clever option on the CommonLit login page to access their former account. Then, they can proceed to their My Account and Classes page and click "Add another class code."

Additionally, for students who have a correct, working email on their account that is able to receive external emails, they can also reset their password by sending themselves a reset password email from the Forgot Your Password page. Students should enter their own email (not their teacher's email) on the reset password page.

If your student's old account is not linked to Google or Clever, and they are unable to receive a reset password email, you can email for assistance recovering their account. Please include the student's email and the class code of the class they are trying to join.

Note to Google Classroom teachers: You can import or sync Google Classroom classes to automatically bring a student's existing CommonLit account linked to Google Classroom into your class.