In a shared, co-taught class, what can a primary teacher do and what can a secondary teacher do?

In CommonLit, all classes have a class owner called the primary teacher. Any other co-teachers on the class are considered secondary teachers

Primary and secondary teachers can create, edit, grade, and release scores for class assignments. They can both view class rosters, edit student names or emails, and reset student passwords.

They can also both create individual/small-group assignments; whoever creates a small-group assignment automatically is the owner of that assignment and can individually invite co-teachers to the small-group assignment.

However, only primary teachers can perform actions that can lead to data deletion. Secondary teachers cannot perform the following actions that primary teachers can:

  • Delete a class assignment
  • Archive a class
  • Delete a class
  • Change a student's class
  • Change a student's grade
  • Invite a co-teacher to join a class
  • Remove a co-teacher from a class