How do I know when a student submitted an assignment after the due date?

You can easily see when students submit their assignments (and if they submit them late) with timestamps.

You can easily see when students submit their assignments (and if they submit them late) with timestamps.

For a Supplemental Lesson: Go to the Assignment Report for a particular text and scroll down to the students' names under Assessment Results. There, you will see a clock icon between the students' name and total score. Hover your mouse over the icon to view the timestamp.

If a student has submitted an assignment after the due date, it will read "Late" in red lettering in the timestamp. 

For a 360 Lesson: Go to the Assignment Report and scroll down to the Overall Scores table. There, you will see a clock icon next to the students' score under the Total Score column on the far right of the table. Hover your mouse over the icon to view the timestamp. If a student has submitted an assignment after the due date, you will see an exclamation point instead of a clock, and it will read "Late" in red lettering in the timestamp.