Why can't my students use read aloud, translate, or highlight?

Students must be logged into their accounts in order to access Read Aloud.

Currently, Translate is only available for English-language texts.

Annotation tools, including highlights and notes, are only available for in-progress student assignments; students will not be able to create annotations on submitted assignments or when previewing a text in the Library.

Why isn't my text to speech Chrome extension, such as Read&Write, working on CommonLit texts?

CommonLit does not block any third-party accessibility extensions from interacting with the website. However, many of these extensions have not been calibrated by their developers to read CommonLit's texts, which are generated using an innovative algorithm to support our flexible annotations and Guided Reading Mode tools. It's been found that many extensions, including Read&Write, have not been adapted to read this algorithm, and as such do not work on CommonLit texts and lessons. 

However, CommonLit will continue to improve its read aloud and translate features with the goal of making third-party extensions unnecessary to use the CommonLit site in an accessible manner.

Please email feedback@commonlit.org with your translate and read aloud improvement priorities; this data is used to prioritize feature improvements.