I can't find my assignment. Where did my assignment go?

If you no longer see your assignment, it may have moved to your Completed section.

If you have assigned a text with multiple choice and/or short answer questions, this assignment will move from the In Progress to the Completed section of your Assignments page after grading is done, the due date has passed, and scores have been released.

If you assigned a text without multiple choice and/or short answer questions (this does not include enabling Guided Reading Mode), this assignment will move from the In Progress to the Completed section of your Assignments page after students have submitted the assignment or if the due date has passed.

To access your assignment, navigate to your Assignments page and select Completed under the Assignment Status filter at the top. Then, click the Apply button so the filter can update. You will still be able to view student data and you can unsubmit students' assignments.

Students will also still be able to access assignments that are in your Completed section.