How do my students see their assignment scores and writing feedback?

Students can view their assignment grades and teacher feedback once you release their scores. You can quickly release scores from the Assignments page:

You can also release scores from the Assignment Report. To get to the Assignment Report, click on the graph icon for the assignment on the Assignments page. You can also get there from the Grading page by clicking View Assignment Report.

Once you are in the Assignment Report, click the Release Students' Scores button in the top-right corner.

When you have clicked Release Scores a window will appear asking you if you want to show students their scores and any written feedback, or if you want to show students their scores, feedback, and correct answers. 

Note: You may want to select the show students their scores, feedback, and correct answers option only once you have graded all or the majority of the submissions for an assignment. This will help prevent any answer-sharing among students who have received their scores and those who have not yet submitted.

Students will then receive a notification the next time they sign in telling them that an assignment has been graded. Depending on the option you selected when releasing scores, students will be able to click through the different questions and see how they did, as well as view any feedback you may have left them.

You will only have to release scores once for a particular assignment. If there are still students who have yet to submit when you release scores, they will automatically receive their scores once you have graded their submissions.