Can I track student performance across assignments or over time?
Yes, you can track your students' performance on all of their assignments over time using the Overall Performance pages.
There are three student performance pages:
Overall Performance: All Classes
To get to this page, log in and click on My Classes > Student Performance. You will see data that shows how all your students are doing at a glance, progress snapshots, high scorers and low scorers, and an assignment breakdown. You will also see standards data, literary versus informational data, and performance over time data.
The Student Performance page provides data for graded assignments only, with the exception of the standards data. In the Assignment Breakdown, every class average for an assignment will lead to that class' Assignment Report which provides item analysis and multiple choice scores.
This page does not contain individual or small-group assignments.
Class Performance
Click on a class name at the top in the Assignment Averages section, or from the Assignment Breakdown table to go to that class's Performance page. There, you will see all of the same data from the All Classes page for that one particular class.
Just like the All Classes page, you will only see scores for graded class assignments. Ungraded assignments and individual/small group assignments for students in that class will not be included.
From this page, you can download or print all Individual Student Progress Reports for every student in the class. The reports include data from all of their assignments in all classes, as well as individual assignments. This option is a great one-stop shop resource for conferences or for creating student portfolios.
Student Performance: Individual Student
Click on the name of a student from the Performance by Assignment table to get to the Individual Student Performance page (you can also get there from Manage Classes > Options > Manage Students > and click View Data for the desired student).
This page includes information on every assignment a student has been assigned, including incomplete, ungraded, and individual/small group assignments.
Assignments that have been submitted but not graded will appear in the Submitted Assignments table with multiple choice averages and links to their grading pages. Click "View Responses" in the short answer average column to view students' responses and your feedback to them.
Assignments that are incomplete will appear in the Incomplete Assignments table.
Assignments that have Guided Reading Mode (GRM) enabled will say Not started, have an in progress half-checkmark, or have a completed checkmark in the Guided Reading column. Assignments without GRM will say Not Assigned in this column.
The Assessment Questions column also shows whether the standards-aligned questions are not started or in progress. Once they are completed, the assignment will move from the Incomplete Assignments to the Submitted Assignments table.
You can toggle between students' individual performance pages using by selecting another student's name in dropdown in the top-left corner and then clicking the Apply button.