Can I lock an Assessment Series test to prevent students from working on it outside of class?

This article is intended only for customers and partners using the Assessment Series.

Yes! Teachers can lock assessments for specific students or for an entire class in order to prevent students from resuming the test outside of the class period. Please note that the ability to lock an assessment only becomes available once the test's start date has arrived.

To lock a class's assessment once the start date has arrived, find the test on your Assignments page and click on the test name. Then, from the test's Student Status page, click Lock All over on the far right > then click the teal Lock assessment button at the bottom of the window that pops up. To unlock the assessment whenever you're ready to do so, simply click Unlock All next to Lock All. This will restore your students' assessments with their saved progress to their accounts.

To lock an assessment for a specific student once the start date has arrived, find the student's name on the Student Status page > click on Actions under the Actions column > select Lock. When you're ready to unlock the test for the student, click Actions > Unlock.

Zight Recording 2025-02-05 at 03.14.38 PM

Please note that locking an assessment saves all existing progress for students who had not yet submitted and removes the assessment from their My Assignments page. Once you return and unlock the test from your account, it will reappear for those students on their accounts.