How do I post or add an assignment to Canvas?
This article is intended only for customers and partners using Canvas. Our Canvas integration is available for schools and districts who purchase a School Essentials PRO package.
Once you have created a class in CommonLit, you can start linking assignments to Canvas.
Create an Assignment
To link an assignment to Canvas, you must first create the assignment on CommonLit. Click Go to CommonLit to access the CommonLit Library and create your assignment.
Link an Existing Assignment to Canvas
Once you’ve created your assignment, return to Canvas and click Link Existing Assignment.
Select the corresponding class from your CommonLit account.
Scroll down and search for your assignment. Then, click Add to Canvas.
Then, click Select.
It is optional to choose your assignment’s Available from and Due dates on Canvas. Note that CommonLit assignments are available at 12:00 AM EST on the start date and due by 11:59 PM EST on the due date.
It is also optional to only assign the Canvas assignment to a particular section in your Canvas course. For more information, see the Using Canvas Sections with CommonLit guide.
Then, click Save or Save & Publish.
Your assignment is now linked to Canvas!
Interested in integrating CommonLit with ClassLink, Clever, or Canvas at your school? Check out School Essentials PRO to save time and get set up quickly. Learn more about CommonLit integrations here.